
Sometimes, moles are more than just moles

Sick of Suffering from Adult Acne? What You Need to Know about Improving the Appearance of Your Skin

While acne is largely associated with teenagers, it can also affect grownups. The days of having bad skin may not end after young adulthood. Over 40 million Americans have acne problems. Half of women between 21 and 30 suffer from the skin condition. It can even affect those over 40. Blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, and acne scars on your face, neck, back, and chest can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance and decrease your self-confidence.

If you are at your wit's end trying to combat adult acne, you need to understand the underlying causes of the condition and what you can do to eradicate unsightly outbreaks and heal badly scarred skin.


Many people think that acne is caused by poor hygiene, wearing makeup, or sweating profusely during exercise. However, the causes of the skin condition are more complicated. Factors that influence acne outbreaks include the following:

  • Hormonal changes characterized by fluctuations in testosterone and estrogen
  • Genetics
  • The onset of menstruation
  • Certain types of foods and vitamin deficiencies
  • Emotional stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Certain medications
  • Pregnancy and the use of some types of contraceptives
  • Wearing clothes or using items that cause pressure or friction on your skin, such as tight collars, helmets, and tight-fitting backpacks

Common Treatments

There are so many products on the market to treat acne, it can be confusing trying to sort through all of the different types of creams, astringents, pills, and other types of over-the-counter treatments in a drugstore aisle. Furthermore, if you choose skin care products that are too harsh for you skin, you may end up making your acne worse.

The type of acne treatment you seek needs to fit your type of skin and acne problem. It is better to seek the advice of a skincare specialist so blemishes and scars do not get worse.

Depending on the type of acne you have, a dermatologist may prescribe medications that are more effective than any drugstore remedy you can buy.

Typical treatments include these:

  • Topical antibiotic lotions or gels
  • Antibiotic pills
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids
  • Capsules that contain isotretinoin to heal acne that does not respond to other treatments

In very severe cases of acne, you may need to have surgery to remove scarred skin and dark patches and to stimulate new skin growth.

Medical Procedures for Acne

When your acne is so severe that it leaves pits in your skin, scars that do not fade, an uneven complexion, or stubborn blemishes, your skin treatment specialist may recommend medical procedures. These are helpful even if you have scars that are several years old that you fear cannot be healed.

Acne procedures generally involve short, in-office visits. You can obtain treatment as an outpatient and see results in a short time.

Common procedures include these:

  • Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser treatment

When you have scarred skin, dermabrasion can help to change the appearance of the damaged skin. It involves sanding the surface the skin with specially designed medical instruments. It ideal for deeply pitted skin from acne and helps to stimulate the growth of a new layer of skin. It is performed under local anesthesia. Microdermabrasion is a milder form of dermabrasion for treating the most superficial layer of your skin.

Chemical peels can improve the appearance of acne scars. Strong chemicals are applied to help remove the top layer of skin. These peels can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles, unwanted freckles, and fine lines around your eyes and mouth.

Laser treatment involves using high-energy beams of light to treat deep scars, sun-damaged skin, enlarged pores, and wrinkles. It is a precise treatment that removes damaged skin a layer at a time. After laser treatment, skin grows back firmer and smoother. 

To learn more about your options for adult acne treatment, contact a representative from an establishment like Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists of Moreno Valley.

About Me

Sometimes, moles are more than just moles

Do you have a lot of moles on your body that you don't like the appearance of? Are some of your moles changing colors? Sometimes, moles are more than just moles. Do you know how to tell the difference? Do you know if the moles that bother you can be removed? I had three moles on my face that began to get larger as I got older. Around my 35th birthday, I went to see a dermatologist for help. There, I learned that moles can actually be signs of something more seriously wrong and how to identify moles that are more than just moles. Visit my website to find out what I learned.


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